Website Dedications : Our web dedications means that we will offer a variety of ways to advertise and honor our donors. We will have a donors page that will link to donors businesses or personal profiles. Our web dedications will be a great space for donors to advertise and use backlinks to bring awareness to their brands or movements as well. Our web dedications will consists of:
Full article (Great opportunity to have a branded one-pager to include a charitable donation and connection to your social media page and items.
Listed on our website: Logo visibility
Course Dedication: We will name one of our courses in honor of our donor
Content Marketing
As a digital branding company, we'd like to use our social media outlets and other content marketing efforts to highlight all of our donors. Those who are looking to have a social media shot out on our social media channels will be able to select which type of shot outs they'd prefer such as:
- Post
- Story + Story Highlight
- Reel
- 60 sec clip
Other Content Marketing Efforts will be:
Podcast Interview
Podcast Ad (15, 30, 60sec ad)
Book dedication page in our upcoming book" LIFE IS A BRAND "
1min-3 min clips
Please review our menu to learn more